In the heart of Argolis, in the small and picturesque village of Koliaki, is the family-run Katsouli Cheese Factory, which has earned its place among the 50 best cheese factory destinations in Greece. Since 1989, the Katsoulis family has been producing high quality cheese products, continuing a long tradition started by Vassilis Katsoulis and now continued by his children, Thomas and Garyfallia Katsoulis.
The Katsouli Cheese Company started with the production of traditional Feta and gradually expanded its range of products to include Graviera, Kefalotyri, Myzithra, Anthotiro and the special Mastichoto. Mastichoto is a small production cheese similar to Halloumi in terms of consistency and texture. It is produced like all the cheeses of the cheese factory exclusively from local sheep and goat milk and is available in selected restaurants and delicatessens.
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